We are BrightCoast.

We provide the foundations for digital organizations and ecosystems.

Developing Competency

We believe organizations undergoing Digital Evolution must build their internal capacity to design, build and deliver digital products. We provide training, coaching, and consulting to help organizations develop internal competency in essential disciplines of Digital Evolution such as Digital Literacy and Strategy, Modern/Emerging Technologies, Open Source Development, Human-centered Design, DevOps, and Agile.

Facilitating Connections

We believe that leveraging new types of communication and collaboration that break down the traditional silos within and across organizations are hallmarks of digital organizations; however organizations often struggle to bridge the boundaries within their organizations, let alone those between them and other organizations. We will connect individuals and organizations through digital and real-world forums so they can better learn and share their experiences within their organization, with peer organizations, as well as the broader digital ecosystem.

Building Platforms

We believe that every organization's Digital Evolution will be unique. However, we know there will be common building blocks - components, services, and applications - that many will need. We will work to curate, package, and deliver these in a manner that saves organizations time, cost, and complexity so they can focus on delivering digital products that enhance their mission or leverage their unique capabilities.

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you to understand how we might be able to help your organization or ecosystem on its digital evolution. Drop us a note below.